Orthopedische Uitkomstmaten
"meten is weten"
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De Rowe Score voor Schouder instabiliteit

Voor de Rowe score is geen gevalideerde nederlandse versie, het origineel kan gebruikt worden.
Section 1 - Stability
No Recurrence, subluxation or apprehension
Apprehension when placing arm in certain positions
Subluxation (not requiring reduction)
Recurrent Dislocation


Section 2 - Motion
100% of normal ext rotation, int rotation and elevation
75% of normal ext rotation, int rotation and elevation
50% of normal ext rotation, int rotation and elevation
50% of normal elevation, and int rotation, No ext rotation


Section 3 - Function
No limitation of work or sports, little or no discomfort (eg shoulder strong overhead, lifting, swimming, throwing, tennis)
Mild limitation and minimum discomfort
Moderate limitation and discomfort
Marked limitation and pain